UNESCO-MOST BRIDGES Inaugural General Assembly

Başlangıç Tarihi: 24.05.2021
Saati: 14:00
Yapılacağı Yer: Youtube
Bitiş Tarihi: 25.05.2021
Etkinlik Türü: Konferans
Düzenleyen Birim: Program

Please click here to download the meeting program.

Please click here to watch live on Youtube (24 May 2021, Day 1)

Please click here to watch live on Youtube (25 May 2021, Day 2)

MONDAY 24 MAY 2021 (All times shown are CEST) 

1:00 pm 
Introductory Session
Session Chair: Steven Hartman, BRIDGES Executive Group
Opening comments

1:10 pm
Welcome Messages
Hasan Ali Karasar, President of Cappadocia University, host of the IGA
Gabriela Ramos, Assistant Director-General for Social and Human Sciences, UNESCO
Erwan Dianteill, President, Intergovernmental Council, UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST)
Luiz Oosterbeek, President, International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH)
Poul Holm, President, Humanities for the Environment (HfE)
Founding partners present their strategic initiatives reinforcing and synergizing with the BRIDGES principles and ambitions
John Crowley, UNESCO Management of Social Tranformations (MOST) International Science Programme
Margaret Higonnet, Officer, International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH)
Joni Adamson, Secretary-General, Humanities for the Environment (HfE)

2:00 pm
Session 2: Very brief introductions
Session Chair: Luiz Oosterbeek, BRIDGES Executive Group
Participating organizations making up the Inaugural General Assembly of BRIDGES2 introduce themselves very briefly (1 min each).

2:45 pm
BREAK – 15 Mins.

3:00 pm
Session 3: How BRIDGES has come together and where it is headed
Session Chair: Margaret Higonnet, BRIDGES Executive Group
BRIDGES origins and future trajectories – Steven Hartman, HfE & BRIDGES Executive Group
BRIDGES Project Endorsement Framework – John Crowley, UNESCO MOST Programme

3:40 pm
Session 4: Initial portfolio of BRIDGES-endorsed projects & strategic
Session Chair: Pedro Manuel Monreal Gonzalez, UNESCO & BRIDGES Executive Group
BRIDGES Endorsed projects 1-3 presented
1. Greenland – Responding to Threats to Science and Heritage in Greenland, Thomas McGovern, North Atlantic Biocultural Organization
2. Portugal – Cultural Integrated Landscape Management of Low-Density Territories, Inguelore Scheunemann, Pole of Brazil of the UNESCO-IPT Chair in Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management
3. Orkney – Gateway to the North Atlantic, Ingrid Mainland (also for Jane Downes, UHI, and Julie Bond and Stephan Dockrill of University of Bradford), University of Highlands and Islands (UHI), a NABO-Humanities for the Environment Circumpolar Observatory crossover initiative

4:20 pm
BREAK – 10 Mins.

4:30 pm
Session 5: Visions of How BRIDGES Can Help Meet Urgent Needs
Moderated round table panel discussion3: Bridging Knowledge and Action, Addressing Key Challenges and Building New Capacities
Panelists: Steven Hartman & Luiz Oosterbeek, BRIDGES Executive Group (co-moderators)
Darina Saliba Abi Chedid, Executive Director, International Center for Human Sciences-Byblos, Lebanon
Erika Marion Robrahn Gonzalez, Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques (UISPP), chair of USIPP’s Scientific Commission on Cultural Heritage Management, Brazil
Joydeep Gupta, Director of The Third Pole and India Climate Dialogue, India
Carlos Alvarez Pereira, Executive Board, Club of Rome
Paul Shrivastava, UNESCO Chair in Arts and Science for Implementing the SDGs, ICN Business School, Nancy, France
Bethany Wiggin, Founding Director, Penn Program in Environmental Humanities, University of Pennsylvania, USA (with team Daniel Cooper, Connor Hardy and Tsemone Ogbemi)

5:30 pm
Co-chairs: BRIDGES Executive Group
Summing up of Day 1 & looking ahead to Day 2
Meeting adjourns for the day

TUESDAY 25 MAY 2021 (All times shown are CEST)"

1:00 pm
Session 1
Session Chair
: Pedro Manuel Monreal Gonzalez
Recapping Day 1 & Looking forward to Day 2 activities
BRIDGES-endorsed project 4 presented
“Ñi Múngui: reviving water in the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta,” Alan Ereira, Organización Gonawindúa Tayrona/ Tairona Heritage Trust
Moderated & co-translated dialogue with representatives of the Kogi People: Arregocés Conchacala Zarabata, Kogi Council Governor, and Silvestre Gil Zarabata, Self Government Coordinator, Kogui-Malayo-Arhuaco Indigenous Reservation. Translator: Falk Parra Witte.

1:45 pm
Session 2

Moderated Roundtable Discussion4 with UNESCO, International Science Councils and Global Programs/Organizations: How to Better Mobilize Humanities Knowledge & Perspectives and Local Capacities for Sustainability
Panelists: Steven Hartman, BRIDGES Executive Group/HfE (Moderator)
Erwan Dianteill, President, Intergovernmental Council, UNESCO Management of Social Transformations Programme (MOST)
John Crowley, Head of Research, Policy and Foresight, UNESCO Social & Human Sciences
Luiz Oosterbeek, President, International Council for Philosophy and Human Sciences (CIPSH)
Mathieu Denis, Science Director, International Science Council (ISC)
Marcy Rockman, International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS), Scientific Coordinator & Co-chair, UNESCO-ICOMOS-IPCC Project Culture, Heritage and Climate Change
Sandrine Paillard, Member of the Future Earth Global Secretariat’s Executive Team and Director of the French Global Hub.

2:35 pm
BREAK – 10 mins.

2:45 pm
Session 3

Session Chair: Margaret Higonnet
Interactive discussion with General Assembly to raise questions concerning highlights of the program or possible implications of program content at this point in the meeting

3:25 pm
Session 4

Session Chair: Luiz Oosterbeek
Looking Ahead—Where does BRIDGES go from here and how does it get there?

3:50 pm
BREAK – 10 mins


4:00 pm
Session 5

Session Co-Chairs: Steven Hartman & BRIDGES Interim Executive Group as appropriate
Focused Dialogue on Governance & Operationalization of BRIDGES led by Executive Group, including Q & A with General Assembly

4:45 pm
Session 6

Walk through of the BRIDGES Terms of Procedure led by John Crowley
Voting and other formalities

5:30 pm
Meeting coordinators: BRIDGES Executive Group
Concluding comments & thanks
BRIDGES Inaugural General Assembly Session Ends

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